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Lakshmi Seshadri

Dr Lakshmi Seshadri


(Consultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist)

Professional Profile
1970-1975MBBSCoimbatore Medical college, Coimbatore.
1977-1980 MD in Obstetrics & GynecologyChristian Medical College Vellore, South India, Madras University
MBBS, Coimbatore Medical college, Coimbatore.
MD in Obstetrics & Gynecology , Christian Medical College Vellore, South India, Madras University


The focus of is to provide expert medical advice and counselling to patients through video consultations. However, video consultations are effective only to a certain extent and can never substitute in-person consultations with a physical examination of the patient. Video consultations with physicians at do not cover emergency medical services for which the patient is advised to go to a hospital.

Professional Profile

Work experience

1.1980-2011Member of the faculty in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Christian Medical College Hospital, Vellore. Retired as Professor and Head of the Department in 2011.
2.2012-2022Senior Consultant, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Thirumalai Mission Hospital, Ranipet

Overseas experience

1982 - 1984Postgraduate Research FellowUniversity of New South Wales, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
2004-2006 (on sabbatical leave)Consultant and HOD, Dept of O&GJPMC, BRUNEI Darussalam
1998Senior training fellowship in Gynecological OncologyMemorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre, New York, John's Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, USA, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London, UK.

Teaching Experience

since 1977Undergraduate teaching in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, CMC Hospital, Vellore
since 1980Postgraduate teacher


  • About 25 postgraduate dissertations
  • Several randomised trials, case control trials and epidemiological studies funded by Institutional Research Grants in menopause, oncology, human papilloma virus infection and cervical cancer and obstetric interventions
  • Community screening for cervical cancer by visual inspection after acetic acid, 9000 women, 2012-2019

Membership of academic bodies

  • President of Vellore branch of Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecological societies of India during 1987 - 1988 (2 years) - Organised Ida Scudder Oration and C.M.E. Programme in 1987 and 1988. Also organised monthly meetings with guest lectures and discussions.
  • Active member of FOGSI, Vellore branch since 1980.
  • Member, Oncology committee of FOGSI.
  • Member, International Gynecologic Oncologic Society
  • Member, Indian Menopause Society


Text Books

  • Text book of Gynecology “Essentials of Gynecology” published by Wolters Kluwer, 2010 (1st ed), 2016 (2nd ed), 2022 (3rd ed)
  • Text book of Obstetrics “Essentials of Obstetrics” Published by Wolters Kluwer, 2015 (1st ed), 2020 (2nd ed)

Chapters in text books

  • Controversies in intrapartum fetal monitoring in Principles and Practice of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2nd edition, 2003, Editors Saraiya U, Rao KA, Chatterjee A. Jaypee publishers, New Delhi
  • Gynecological problems in children with neurodevelopmental delay. In Handbook of Management of Children with Neurodevelopmental Delay In print.
  • a. Maternal Changes in Pregnancy
    b. Multifetal Pregnancy
    c. Gestational Diabetes
    In text book of Obstetrics and Gynecology . Editors. Asha Oumachigui and Habeebullah. Jaypee publishers, New Delhi, 2009
  • Breech delivery. In The Management of Labor. Editors. Arulkumaran S, Arjun G, Penna LK. University Press, India. 2011

Publication in journals

  • More than 50 articles in indexed journals


1996Dr. Gunasundari Bose orationVellore
2000Madurai Obstetrics and Gynecological society Oration (MOGS oration)Madurai
2006Dr.Bhaskar Rao orationMadurai
2008Dr. Indira Ramamoorthy orationChennai
2012Dr. Ramakrishna Raju oration Visakhapatnam
2013Dr. Seeniammal oration - Coimbatore obstetric and gynecological societyCoimbatore
2013ISOPARB Oration, ISOPARB annual conferenceHyderabad
2015Byleem Memorial OrationTanjore
2015PROGRESS orationChennai
2017OG Society OrationKohlapur
2018Prof Sudhir Chandra Bose Oration Calcutta
2019AKCOG orationKasargode
2019Narendranath Memorial OrationThrissoor
2019Ida Scudder OrationCMC Vellore
2022Ratna Bai Moray OrationHubli, Karnataka

Conference and CME Programs

  • Invited lectures in international conferences
  • Invited lectures in national conferences
  • More than 500 lectures, panel discussions and case discussions in continuing medical education programs